Saturday, December 14, 2019

So this is how our typical photo's go. One of the 4 kiddo's has a break down and will cry, be itchy, hot, can't keep eye's open because the sun is too bright, cold or just refuses to take pictures. This day was Cohen... then Asher, because he always has to do what big brother Cohen does. It's too bad he wont follow his bigger brother Jacob or big sister Sarai. Asher did end up taking this great photo  along with Jacob and Sarai they did great this time around, and sometimes they can be he hardest to photograph. I think telling them we would get froyo helped. I love when my kids get along. I love when we go out and do things with all 6 of us. This season, the year period has been super crazy! With the move and new job, it's been different. We are just trying to finish out this crazy year with lots of fun and cheer! 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours!

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